A Beginner’s Guide to Making Resin Incense at Home

A Beginners Guide to Making Resin Incense at Home

Resin incense has a different feel to it than stick or spiral incense. This is because resins are natural substances that are sourced directly from specific trees.

Traditionally, resin incense is burned on charcoal. This method can create a lot of smoke and is therefore not ideal for homes with small children or pets.

1. Choose Your Ingredients

Resins have been used for centuries in spiritual and therapeutic rituals. They are powerful, unique and full of sensory magic. They can bring inspiration, upliftment, protection and grounding. From Benzoin to Dragon’s Blood to Frankincense, there are many different resins to choose from depending on your needs.

While most people burn resin incense using charcoal, there are alternatives that produce less smoke and may be better for those with breathing issues or who simply prefer a lighter smell. A popular option is using an oil warmer.

First place a piece of charcoal in an urn or bowl that can withstand the heat of a burning charcoal disk (recommend a special charcoal burner urn, but any bowl will do). Light the charcoal using matches or a lighter and wait for it to self-ignite and turn gray around the edges.

2. Grind Your Ingredients

Resin incense is one of the oldest aromatics. It has been burned for centuries during sacred rituals and to promote healing and tranquility.

To make resin incense, you’ll need a bit of oil, a charcoal disk, and a non-flammable bowl or urn (specialized burners called censers work best) to hold the charcoal. You’ll also want to use a pair of tongs (you might prefer those that you cook with) or needle nose pliers, as you will be handling hot charcoal which can cause serious burns.

To grind your ingredients, you will need a mortar and pestle or a blender with a fine grinding blade. If the resins are soft, it may help to freeze them first to harden them. Then they can be ground more easily.

3. Heat Your Oil

Resin incense is burned for spiritual and meditative purposes, as well as to ward off negative energy. There are many different ways to burn resin incense, but the most common involves using charcoal. While this method produces a lot of smoke, it can be uncomfortable for those who have breathing issues.

A safer and easier alternative is to use a small, ceramic oil warmer. You can find these at just about any store that sells candles and candle stands. Just be sure to use a tea light candle and vegetable oil, as fragranced candles will add their own scent to the incense.

Fill an incense burner designed for burning resins with a bit of salt or sand to help absorb the heat and set the charcoal discs on top (handle them with tongs). Light the charcoal using a match or lighter until it self-ignites.

4. Place Your Resins in the Oil

Resins don’t burn on their own, and they need some kind of heat to start smoldering. Many people use an electric incense burner, which is a small heater that can be used for burning resins and other aromatic materials.

Other methods involve placing the resins on a metal spoon that is held over the flame of a candle. This can work well, but it tends to make a lot of smoke and can overheat the resin quickly, leading to loss of essential oils.

One of the best ways to get a good resin smolder is to place it in a bowl that can hold some water or cooking oil. This is a good option for those who live in apartments or have rules about the use of charcoal incense burners.

5. Burn Your Resins

Using resin incense for purification, religious purposes, mood upliftment and increasing spiritual awareness has been a tradition for thousands of years. Its powerful fragrance overpowers undesired energy or odour quickly and effectively, while bringing in positive vibes.

Typically, resin incense is burned over charcoal for a slow burning effect. However, many people find that too much smoke is produced and it can cause breathing problems.

To avoid this, you can use self-igniting charcoal disks and a set of heat safe tongs. You can also use a heat-resistant bowl or an ethnic censer.

Place a disc of charcoal in the bottom of your burner and add a small amount of resin to the top of it. When the resin begins to melt, it will release essential aromatic oils through the smoke.