Burning Resin Incense

Burning Resin Incense

Resin incense has been used for centuries and is a great way to fill your home with evocative scents. It is traditionally burned on charcoal but this can produce a lot of smoke which can be difficult to deal with for people with respiratory problems.

Luckily there are alternatives to burning resin on charcoal. This article will cover three different ways to burn resin incense with little or no smoke.

1. Burning on charcoal

Many of us burn resin incense as part of a spiritual practice. The incense can help us relax, clear our minds and send prayers or intentions into the air and energy around us.

The most popular method of burning resin incense is on charcoal. This can be done with a resin burner specifically designed for this purpose or you can use any heat safe vessel. It is best to put down a layer of old ashes before adding the charcoal. This helps absorb some of the heat from the charcoal and reduces the chance of scorching your table or other flammable surface.

Light your charcoal disk by holding it with a pair of tongs or fireproof gloves until it is hot and starts glowing red. Put a few pieces of your resin incense on top of the ashes and let it smolder. It will produce a lot of smoke but the aroma should be quite strong.

2. Burning on sand

Resin incense has long been used for spiritual rituals as it releases a fragrant smoke that fills the air. The scent can also enhance meditation.

To burn resin incense, first place a piece of charcoal on a heat-resistant surface or in a burner that is designed specifically for it. Next, make sure that your burner is filled with a layer of sand or ash; this helps to keep the charcoal from burning too quickly. It also helps to create a more even flame and reduces the risk of your burner cracking from the extreme heat it generates.

Light the charcoal disk using a long, flexible stick of incense, a taper candle, or a set of cooking tongs. It’s important to light the coal evenly so that it burns completely. Lighting only the edges of the coal leads to inefficient burning and a quick fizzle out. It’s also important to handle the burning charcoal with tongs or tweezers and never with your fingers.

3. Burning on oil

When burning resin incense it’s important to use a heat-safe oil. Vegetable oil works best, but you can experiment with other types of oils as long as they don’t have a strong fragrance.

This method is quick and easy, and it’s less messy than burning on charcoal. All you need is an empty candle tin, some toothpicks, and your choice of resin incense.

Resins are a special type of incense that comes straight from certain trees. They’ve been used for centuries for purification, religious rituals and to heighten spiritual awareness. Frankincense and myrrh are some of the most popular resins to burn.

The most common way to burn resin incense is on charcoal, but there are other ways you can do it too. One of the best ways to do it is to use a ceramic oil warmer. This way you can enjoy the scent without worrying about it producing harmful smoke. Just be sure to keep the burner on a heat-safe surface, like a plate or bowl.

4. Burning on a ceramic oil warmer

If you want to enjoy the scent of resin incense without all that smoke, you can use a ceramic oil warmer. Just place a small amount of oil and a few pieces of resin in the warmer and light it underneath. This is a great option for those with allergies to smoke or just prefer not to be around it.

Resins are a sacred part of many cultures and have been used for millennia for their fragrance, purifying properties, spiritual qualities, and healing abilities. They have also been an important part of rituals within shamanism, where they are burned to communicate with spirit guides and the divine.

To burn resin, start by placing a piece of charcoal on a heat safe plate or bowl (preferably not made of glass). Cover the charcoal with a bit of sand or pebbles, then put your choice of resin over top. Light the charcoal with a match or lighter and use tongs to hold it up (never touch the hot coal with your fingers, as you could burn them). The resin will melt into the oil, creating a very pleasant fragrance.