DIY Incense Sticks – A Great Way to Add Fragrance to Your Home

DIY Incense Sticks

Homemade incense is a great way to add fragrance to any room. This simple DIY project takes only a few days and uses ingredients you already have in your pantry.

The most important ingredient for this recipe is makko powder, which binds the herbs and creates a slow burn. You can substitute wood binders such as joss powder or tabu no ki, but the outcome will be slightly different.

Fragrance Oil

Fragrance oil is a safe, non-toxic and highly concentrated way to add scents to your incense. It can be purchased from many places, including craft stores and online.

To create your incense stick fragrance, start with a clean test tube. Fill it with 12ml of Refresher Oil Base through a pipette, making sure to mark the tube with a permanent marker so that you know how much you’ve added.

Dilute this blend with 1/3 of your chosen fragrance and 2/3 of denatured alcohol (or any other unscented type of alcohol). Pour the resulting oil into a deep container — we prefer glass baking pans, although tall jars or even coffee cans will work. Soak the incense sticks or cones in this mixture for 24 hours.


Incense sticks are a popular item used for all sorts of reasons including entertainment, relaxation, and in some cases religious ceremonies and aromatherapy. While you can easily purchase incense sticks from most stores at a good price, making your own can be a fun and inexpensive hobby that is also very rewarding.

To make your own incense sticks simply coat unscented incense sticks or cones with a combination of fragrance oil and DPG. The ratio for this mixture should be one part DPG and two parts fragrance or essential oil. The DPG helps the oil bind to the incense stick and allows them to burn slower. Once dipped in this mixture you can leave them to soak for 24 hours or so. Then let them dry on a rack for an additional couple of days.

Blank Incense Sticks

Incense sticks are easily available in many shops but they often contain fragrance oils instead of natural ingredients. Making your own incense sticks is a rewarding and relaxing activity that can help you create the perfect blend of scents to suit your needs.

Using bamboo “splits” as the core of masala-style incense sticks, you can make your own DIY incense in just a few simple steps. Soak the blank incense sticks in your chosen essential oil or fragrance oil for 12-24 hours, then dry them gently over a day or two away from direct sunlight.

Place the sticks in an incense holder and light them by holding the end against a flame until it glows, then blow out the flame. Enjoy the heavenly aroma that will fill the room!


You can use a variety of molds to make cone incense or simply shape the incense with your hands. Be sure to include a tray that will catch the ash when it falls from the tip.

Once you’ve combined your herbs and makko powder, slowly add water to the mix – not so much stirring as mashing the ingredients together – until you achieve a dough-like texture. When you can hold your fingers in the dough without crumbling it is ready to start molding your cones.

Try different combinations of scents to find your favorite. You can even accent a wood scent with a floral fragrance, like lavender or sage. Once your incense cones are dry they can be stored in an airtight container.


The design of incense is based almost entirely on fragrance. Incense makers monitor trends in fragrances by obtaining samples from perfumers, talking to customers about their preferences, and even observing the scents used in detergents and fabric softeners. Once a fragrance seems like a good candidate, the incense maker dips bundles of punk sticks in it and leaves them to dry overnight.

To scent incense sticks, place them in a clear resealable bag. This will help to maintain the scent and prevent it from absorbing into other materials. You can also use the bag to label your incense sticks with your logo and instructions. You can also get custom-made boxes that are die cut to fit your incense sticks, allowing you to add an extra layer of protection for your products.