Synthetic Vs Natural Incense – Examining Potential Health Risks

Synthetic vs Natural Incense Examining Potential Health Risks

Incense is known for its ability to enhance moods, create a peaceful ambiance, and purify the air. However, not all incense is created equal.

Some contain chemicals and artificial fragrances that are harmful to our health when inhaled. Others are made with natural ingredients that are safer for the environment and our bodies.

Burning Natural Incense

Incense is used for a variety of purposes including aromatherapy, meditation and yoga. It is made from a variety of different materials like herbs, tree resin and oils. There are also many different brands of incense on the market. Some of them are natural and some are synthetic. Recently, there has been a lot of research on whether or not burning incense is healthy.

The main concern with using incense is that the smoke from burning it contains a variety of chemicals and particulate matter. These substances can be irritating to the skin, eyes and nose. They can also be harmful when inhaled. They can cause respiratory problems and even asthma.

Another health concern with incense is that it produces carbon monoxide (CO). This gas can be very dangerous if inhaled. It can lead to dizziness, weakness and headaches. It can also reduce the blood’s ability to transport oxygen to the brain and other vital organs.

Synthetic Incense

The majority of incense available for purchase on the market is made using synthetic ingredients. These substances fill the air with toxic chemicals when burned and can be harmful to our health.

Natural incense is typically a combination of charcoal, wood powder, resins, herbs, flowers and oils. It is used for its spiritual, medicinal/healing and fragrancing properties. It is also known to elevate moods, improve focus and reduce stress and anxiety.

Many people use incense to transform their homes, work spaces or yoga studios into a more relaxing environment. They may choose certain varieties for their specific benefits, such as frankincense to enhance mental clarity or myrrh to help with stress relief. However, they may not be aware that incense smoke can pose a health risk if it is burned indoors. A recent study found that the amount of fine particulate matter in a room after incense is burned can exceed EPA standards for indoor air quality.

Health Risks

Most incense sticks and cones contain a mix of natural and synthetic ingredients. Many of these are harmless in small doses, but over time they release particulate matter into the air that can irritate your lungs and trigger allergies. Some studies have found that inhaling this matter can increase your risk of respiratory diseases and even certain types of cancer.

These particles may be irritating to children and pets as well. They can also cause problems for people with asthma. Furthermore, inhaling these particles over long periods of time can have negative impacts on your metabolism and lead to unwanted weight loss.

Dipped sticks and other products often use a mixture of natural aromatics and fragrance oils with synthetic substances like DPG and dipropylene glycol to help them combust. This is often because expensive florals, such as rose oil, require high-quality distillation that’s too costly for most incense makers to use, so they use cheaper synthetic analogs instead.


The vast majority of stick and cone incense on the market today is synthetic. That being said, it is still possible to find natural incense in stores and online.

It is important to look for incense that lists all ingredients. This will help you avoid scented oils that contain extenders. These extenders are cheaper than scented oils, and they allow incense makers to make more incense out of the same amount of oil.

Most of the fragrances used in traditional incense are made from natural resins and plant substances that have spiritual, medicinal/healing, fragrancing, or odor-masking properties. Some have also been linked to psychological benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety.

However, if you choose to use incense, it is recommended that you do so in a well-ventilated room. This will help reduce your risk of inhaling noxious fumes like carbon monoxide, which can have adverse health effects. It is also advisable to avoid using incense with strong scents that are likely to trigger asthma or other respiratory issues.