The Importance of Sustainable Incense

Ethical sourcing is something that consumers are becoming more aware of. As a matter of fact, some 84 percent of consumers indicate that they are willing to sacrifice convenience for ethically sourced products.

Incense has been treasured for centuries in a variety of religious ceremonies and rituals. It can also be used during meditation or yoga to enhance concentration and focus.

Why Choose Ethically Sourced Materials?

As consumers become increasingly eco-conscious and aware of the impact their purchases have on the planet, ethical sourcing has quickly become a buzzword. This is the process of ensuring that companies work with suppliers that do not engage in unethical business practices, and it encompasses many aspects of a company’s supply chain.

For example, incense sticks often contain resins such as frankincense, amber, and copal. These are often harvested by indigenous people in countries that have been colonised, and not paying these individuals fair wages is harmful both on principle and because it contributes to the continued harm of their communities.

Similarly, the oil incense is made with can come from a range of plant and tree species, some of which are endangered, so purchasing incense that contains these oils is important to ensure that they are sustainably sourced. Inhaling the smoke from these burning materials can also be harmful to our health, as it irritates the lungs and reduces the oxygen-transporting ability of the blood.

Environmental Impact

The incense industry has seen a dramatic increase in popularity. This increase has led to the over-harvesting of many plant materials and species. It has also led to the poaching of protected species and the downward trend in populations of certain trees, such as frankincense (Boswellia serrata).

Ethically sourced ingredients are important because they can be better for the environment. They are usually all natural and contain zero chemicals. In addition, they are better for your health.

Incense burning emits toxic particulate matter, carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds such as benzene and toluene. These pollutants can lead to respiratory irritation and lung cancer.

Ethical sourcing is a growing concern for consumers. Consumers want companies to take ethical standards seriously and do their due diligence. This will help reduce the environmental impact of the company and help protect human rights. Additionally, it will lower the cost of production and shipping and transportation costs. It will also reduce the risk of sourcing materials and products that have been produced through illegal means such as slave labor.

Human Rights

In addition to environmental impact, ethical sourcing also has important human rights implications. Many consumers care about the welfare of workers in their supply chains and are willing to pay more for products that have been sourced responsibly.

When you choose a natural incense made from ethically sourced materials, you’re supporting sustainable and humane working conditions. Indian sandalwood’s (Santalum album) sweet, woody aroma has been used for thousands of years to elevate mood and calm the nervous system. The inhalation of the smoke also helps to lift negative energy and cleanses the air.

However, inhalation of incense burning creates major risks to the human health. This is due to threatening levels of PM comprised of incompletely combusted carbon particles, which reduces oxygen-transport ability of blood. This is similar to the risks of passive smoking. It is therefore vital that the incense industry work towards addressing these risks to ensure future safe use of incense. The simplest way to do this is by choosing ethically sourced materials that can degrade easily and are nontoxic when burned.

Economic Impact

In recent years, there has been a wave of companies re-evaluating their business models and moving towards ethical and sustainable practices. Some research suggests that consumers care about this, while others say it doesn’t really change their shopping habits.

Regardless, there is no denying that companies who use ethically sourced materials are able to attract a loyal customer base. These customers are likely to spend more with the company, helping it grow and stay profitable.

In addition, customers who choose ethically sourced products are more likely to spread the word about their purchases. This can help companies gain more visibility and increase their group total sourcing goals. This is important for the sustainability of a business, and it can also help protect their supply chain from potential risks. Using sustainable materials also helps to avoid any potential legal problems that might arise if the company uses illegal materials. These risks include environmental, human rights, and labor issues.